Sunday, August 25, 2013

Autrey Mill Faculty News -August 26 and September 2, 2013

August 26 and September 2, 2013

“We cannot teach students well if we do not know them well.”

 —Hoffman and Leak


News/Timelines/Due Dates

College Colors Day – Wear your favorite college colors this Friday to celebrate the beginning of the college football season.  Encourage the students to join in!

Rosh Hashanah- This holy day for our Jewish population begins at sundown on September 5 and many students will be out on the sixth.  Please keep this in mind as you are planning tests and due dates.

Labor Day Weekend – The opening of school is always exhausting and I hope you enjoy the three day break and take some time to relax.  You can wear jeans on Tuesday to ease back into reality! 
Technology Survey You will receive an email from me regarding a technology use survey that is being conducted by the county.  This will be excellent data for us to have as we move forward with creating 21st century learners.  The survey will also be administered at the end of the year.  All teachers MUST complete the survey by September 19.


Peanut Allergies – Rusty sent a link out last week to help staff identify peanut safe foods.  We have some children this year with some very serious allergies and we should be aware of what is in the food that we are giving children.  If you are one that gives out candy for incentives (which is another discussion in itself), make sure they are peanut free.  For those of you who do food projects be very mindful of what is being brought by the kids especially if you have one of the children with allergies in your class.

New Professional Learning Room (Conference Room A150)-  This new room will be equipped with furniture suitable for training sessions, duty days, large meetings.  At this point, it is not for classroom use unless approved by admin. 

PRIDE – Thank you for your patience and assistance in getting PRIDE up and running this year!  It takes some time to prepare everything for the initial startup and we are good to go now.  There was lots of help in the hallways trying to get students into classrooms and everyone finally found their rooms.  Thank you!!!!!                                        
Please take time to read this message as it will help to clarify a few things for the weeks to come:

General Info:

·         All students should have been given a PRIDE sticker for their agenda.  Stickers were distributed by HR.

·         Please keep up with attendance on your roster.  You do not need to turn in your roster but should follow up with the grade level administrator of your students if someone is missing for a couple of consecutive weeks.

·         Please check the room number on your roster.  You may not have the same PRIDE room location as last year.  There were many staff and classroom changes so please look carefully.

·         If you have a new PRIDE group and have not found the PRIDE folders please check with Fran Meredith.

·         There is a lot of movement this year between HR and PRIDE because students move to another grade level hall for their PRIDE class.  Please monitor the hallways during this transition. 

          Students having to go downstairs for PRIDE should use the 6th grade side staircase.

          Students having to go upstairs for PRIDE should use the 7th grade side staircase.

·         Remember to collect feedback on the lessons.


Lessons & Supplies:

·         Lessons will be placed in your boxes for advisement lessons generally 1 week prior to an advisement class.

·         If there are supplies such as bowls, popsicle sticks, skittles, hula-hoops, parts to a game, or anything not readily available to all staff, it will be provided for you and placed in your box with the lesson.

·         If the lesson requests paper, markers, bulletin board paper, etc. you will need to make sure you have that prior to the lesson.

·         Some lessons  provide questionnaires, scenarios, worksheets, etc. that each student will need a copy.  Please make copies for your PRIDE group.  If you would like to work out a system with a buddy or your team and someone makes copies for all the groups, please feel free to work out your own system.  Don’t wait until the last minute to read through your lesson and make copies.

·         Returning Supplies:  Any items that can be reused for next year (generally items that were given to you with the lesson) should be returned on Fridays at the completion of the lesson.  Please return your supplies to one of the PRIDE committee members closest to you.  PRIDE committee members will return all supplies to Wendy Wilson

   Committee members include:

   8th Grade:  Gayla Payne & Stephanie Wilson

   7th Grade:  Lizzie Haber & Marisa

   6th Grade:  Lisi Furman & Deborah White

  Connections/PE:  Jennifer McCann will collect for those that teach 6th grade groups.

  Jason Landers will collect for those that teach 7th grade groups.

  Ed Clawson will collect for those that teach 8th grade groups.


 PRIDE  -  8/30/13:   This week will be an advisement lesson.  If you did not finish the script or putting advisement/silent reading dates in agendas with students please finish.  Continue with your icebreaker activities.  If you teach 6th graders the lesson you receive this week will be a 2 part lesson.  Please use this lesson for 8/30/13 & 9/13/13.

Next Friday, 9/6/13 will be our first Silent Reading session.  Please remind students to bring a book with them to PRIDE.


Thanks to Todd Shelnutt and his class for sprucing up the outdoor classroom.

Where is Livingston? 

Matt McNamara says,  “I am passing Livingston on to someone that does a lot more for this school then I think at times gets credit for.  Already this year she has worked extremely hard to help the SEC teachers with the FTE’s, NCLB forms, caseloads, Segment Reports, etc.  This person is continuously supportive of all teachers and I know specifically the SEC department REALLY appreciates all that she does for us.   She spends countless hours outside of school hours making sure that everything runs smoothly.  I know teachers and administrators really appreciate her.  That person is Debra Clark.  Thank you Debra for all you do and continue to do!”
Happy Birthday
Dana Balckburn        August 29
Michelle Potts            August 29

Robin Wexler              August 31

Laura Hunter               August 25


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