Monday, September 2, 2013

Faculty News September 2



“We cannot teach students well if we do not know them well.”

 —Hoffman and Leak


News/Timelines/Due Dates

Congratulations Clemson fans!  My neighbors are Clemson fans and we made a bet that whoever lost would have to hang the winning team’s flag for a week.  They have not brought it over and I am not asking for it!!

Rosh Hashanah- This holy day for our Jewish population begins at sundown on September 4 and many students will be out on the fifth (and some on the sixth).  Please keep this in mind as you are planning tests and due dates. 

Technology Survey You will receive an email from me regarding a technology use survey that is being conducted by the county.  This will be excellent data for us to have as we move forward with creating 21st century learners.  The survey will also be administered at the end of the year.  All teachers MUST complete the survey by September 19.

TAG – Over the next few days, some HR teachers will receive letters in their boxes for students.  These are TAG testing permission slips.  Please give them out in HR and encourage the students to return them ASAP.  The students can return them directly to Dana Griffin, in D101, during HR.  Teachers can also collect them and put them in Dana’s mailbox as they are returned.  Once a testing list has been developed, she will send out testing dates.  Thanks for the help!

PRIDE -  This Friday, September 6th in PRIDE will be our first silent reading day.  Students should bring a silent reading book and or Nook/Kindle with them to read.  Teachers should be actively reading as well.  Remember, it is fine to choose a group book and do a book club type setting with your group.  The main thing is that EVERYONE should be reading for the entire time.  If students do not bring a book to read please mark an unprepared in the agenda.  Provide them with some type of reading material if possible.  Many teachers have or collect books for their classroom for instances such as these.  If you need assistance finding books for your classroom please ask a teammate, mentor, or Laura Hunter before Friday.  Next week (9/13) will be an advisement lesson.


Where is Livingston? 

Debra Clarke says, “As we all know Livingston is an award given to an AMMS staff member who stands out among the rest.

I believe this person is way overdue for recognition J.  As we all know, most of the teachers at AMMS are assigned or teach a certain grade level.  A grade level teacher forms great relationships with his/her students whether it be individually or in a group as well as seeing the same student(s) for the entire year.  Then we have teachers that see just about EVERY student at some point during the course of the year.  We also know that LUNCH and CONNECTIONS are the favorite times of day not just for students, but for teachersJ.  There are some students who may start out their day on the wrong foot, but PE always seems to cure the drama/troubles that were there to start out the day or the students forget about the issues for a bit.   Data Clerks are not the only ones who are MIA…  We never get to see PE teacher’s in action, however if you haven’t witnessed 418 6th graders on PEP Rally Day the 1st week of school or be in the PE hallway when students are on their way to get prepared for PE, it is something.  Nothing but excitement, running to the locker room to get dressed out (well most of the studentsJ), to asking what the activity is and see a smile, fist pump and hear a YES! when it is one of their favorite activities. This PE teacher always has a smile on her face no matter what has transpired.  I see patience when I see this teacher interact with students.  This person also has helped the DC in preparing for the infamous report card “party” at the end of the year along with responding to a desperate call during her summer vacation, assisting in getting the PE/Health Teacher’s Schedule correctJ.  Something that is very appreciated to say the least.  I also would like to mention that she initiated Ms. April Clark in driving a GOLF Cart!  Thanks because now she actually has to drive a golf cart with injured players off the field J

With all of that said,  KUDOS to Malinda Hill!  Thanks for all you do to make the students look forward to enjoying Middle School at the MILL.”

Happy Birthday


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