Monday, August 19, 2013

Autrey Mill Faculty News

August 19, 2013

      “The quality of teacher–student relationships is the keystone for all other aspects of classroom management.” —Marzano and Marzano, Dimensions of Learning


News/Timelines/Due Dates

·         Believe it or not, curriculum nights are next week!

·         I know for you early risers, it is a little inconvenient to arrive at school and find the door locked.  In the past, we have parents who would drop their children off way too early.  We want to let the parents know that we are not open at this time, as we do not have supervision for those students.

·         In case you have not noticed, the busses are arriving later than they did last year.  Assignments that you want a student to finish in homeroom may not be feasible for those students arriving late.

·         TKES Information

        All teachers are expected to complete the TKES Teacher Orientation each year.  Log into the GaDOE electronic platform and complete the TKES Orientation and Self-Assessment. The orientation includes a video viewing that lasts approximately 40 minutes. You are able to complete the self-assessment after completing the orientation.  In addition to rating yourself on the rubric, you will need to write at least one strength and weakness for each standard. Please complete the Orientation and Self-Assessment by August 31, 2013. (new teachers or new to the building teachers may not be able to get in yet) You may also review the Resources and Help Guides available within the platform.  Please let me know if you have any issues.  We will be having our preconference meetings with your grade levels on September 4. 

A mighty roar!

To our connections and PE teachers for organizing the sixth grade rotations where students were introduced to many facets of AMMS.  I was lucky enough to be in with Officer Quinn.  The number one question was “do you have a Taser?”  The week culminated with a great pep rally organized by the PE teachers.



Where is Livingston? 

Matt McNamara was the last to receive Livingston and has the honor to pass him on next week.  As a reminder (or new info for many), Livingston is awarded to someone you feel deserves recognition.  That person should not be in the same grade level/department as you.

Happy Birthday
Charania Zarinia       August 19
Erin Hoerr                  August 21

Sharon McGee            August 24

Laura Hunter               August 25


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