Autrey Mill Faculty News
February 19, 2013
“I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only
try to dance better than myself.”
-Mikhail Baryshnikov
News/Timelines/Due Dates
Vision input –We have
narrowed down the vision statement to engaging students through rigor,
relevance and relationship. Over the
weekend, I realized that maybe we need to broaden students to learners to
encompass staff and parents. So, the new
statement would be:
Engaging learners
through rigor, relevance and relationship
Let me know your thoughts
PRIDE - On Friday, Feb. 22nd we will be doing student
choice lessons for the PRIDE. This week the choice is yours!
A few weeks ago you and your students took a survey choosing two
topics you would like discuss in future PRIDE lessons. This week will be
the first of those lessons that you chose. Topics may include Cyber
Bullying, Making Good Choices, Self-Advocacy, Teasing and Harassment, Top Ten
Middle School Issues, or Honesty. Copies of each lesson will be placed in
the mailroom mid-week. Please pick up the lesson that corresponds with
your first choice. If you do not remember which lesson you chose, please
see the PRIDE liaison for your grade level.
Basketball – Our team swept Haynes Bridge on Friday.
Thoughts – Please keep Caren Allen in your thoughts and prayers in
the unexpected death of her brother.
Scheduling –
Scheduling Recommendations – Friday, February 22nd
Meet in the Media Center with your laptops.
9:33 – 10:00 – Band, Orchestra, Chorus
7th grade
10:30 – 10:50 – Social Studies
10:55 – 11:15 – Math
11:20 – 11:40 – Science
11:45 – 12:02 – ELA/Reading/World Language
6th Grade
2:30 – 2:50 – Social Studies
2:55 – 3:15 – Math
3:20 – 3:40 – Science
3:40 – 4:00 – ELA/Reading/World Language
Recommendations completed by February 28th.
Where is Livingston?
Fran Meredith says…Kenny Ludlow deserves a visit from
Livingston because of the recent impact he made on a student. The young lady was showing declining behavior
and attitude in his class so Kenny took her into the hall for a private chat. He explained how much he believed in her and
her ability. The young lady’s mom called
me the next day to express her gratitude.
She was so impressed that Kenny took the time to have a positive
one-on-one conversation with her daughter about a potentially negative
situation. The mom shared that her
daughter was overwhelmed by Mr. Ludlow’s support and has set a personal goal to
improve her behavior and academic performance in his class.
Kenny’s support of his students extends to the time he puts
in as the “go-to” 8th grade Hospital Homebound Teacher and his
unending flexibility with students who need work extensions due to extenuating
circumstances. He has a natural ease
with his kids that is greatly appreciated!
Happy Birthday
Denise Giancola February
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