Monday, March 31, 2014

2013-14 Volume 31


"It is a shameful thing to be weary of inquiry when what we search for is excellence."

News/Timelines/Due Dates



Rock Eagle was a great success and I hear one of our own was a rock star on the trail.  According to Michelle (and others) “I wanted to let you all know that I REALLY appreciated having Todd as the designated leader of all the hikes this year.  In the last 7 years, it was probably my (and the kids’) least favorite activity at Rock Eagle, because it was just a trip up, an underwhelming destination, and the trip back.  It was not very interesting.  This year that changed all because of Todd. 


He took groups of 60 – 90 adults and kids up the trail, and made frequent stops along the way to point out and explain very interesting things about nature, ecology, history, etc., all unique to the area.  He got the kids’ attention and held it throughout his mini-presentations.  In 7 years there, I can honestly say that it was the best hiking experience at Rock Eagle.  Hats off to Todd and to Julie and Erin for making this change.”

Congrats to Rusty Godwin who was elected as District 4 president of the SSWAG this past week in Savannah!

Walk-a-thon – If you are participating in the walk-a-thon tomorrow, you may wear jeans.

Welcome to our four visiting teachers from Korea.  They are currently teachers in Korea but will be spending time with us for the rest of the year. 

Congrats to our track team who competed this rainy past Saturday.  The girls placed second in the county.  Thanks to Malinda, Alyssa and David for all your hard work.


Governance Council – If you are interested in running for the governance council for next year, please let me know.  This is for a two year term and is a great way to be involved in the decision making process of the school.  We meet once a month and there is some committee work involved.  For further details, ask current members, Elizabeth Ferree, Fran Meredith, Deborah Clark and Erin Hoerr.

Surveys – Please remember to fill out your survey for me and your assistant principal. 

Reminders from the front office

·         Please remember to email the Front Office if you are somewhere other than your classroom. 

·         If a student has a pass signed by the Front office for checkout, please allow the students to leave at the time specified on their note.

PRIDE  –This Friday, April 4th will be silent reading during PRIDE.  All students will remain in homeroom for silent reading.  6th grade classes will claim their prize for the footsteps competition during this time.

It looked like many groups were having fun with their team building activities last week.  If you had a group working with the paper mosaics, please put all of the papers back in the baggie and return them to the cardboard box in the copy room in the front office.    If your group was working with the hula-hoops, please return the hula-hoops to the PE staff.

Next week we will not have PRIDE due to Spring Break! 

Where is Livingston?

Erin Hoerr says “This teacher is one of the hardest working teachers in the school.  She is a pillar of the 6th grade.  Not only does she coordinate all of the TAG paperwork and testing for the entire school, Dana Griffin fields countless emails from parents who try to push their child into the gifted program.  The TAG work alone would be a lot for most people to handle, but Dana is head of the yearbook, navigator team leader, mentor to new teachers, and she is the back bone of the 6th grade social studies department.  If you are ever here working late, her light is one of the few lights still on, since she usually does not leave school before 6pm.  When I started here in 6th grade, I deliberately watched how she led our team meetings to learn how to be a better leader myself, since leadership is just one of her natural skills. Dana is an inspiration and a mentor to me.  Thank you, Dana, for all of the work that you do for AMMS! ”

Happy Birthday

Amy Nikolaou            April 1
Brad Hubred             April 4
Jennifer McCann        April 5
Maria Purwin             April 5
Matt McNamara         April 11

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