Monday, December 17, 2012

Faculty News December 17

Autrey Mill Faculty News    
December 17, 2012


News/Timelines/Due Dates

Educators are Heroes – I know we all watched with horror as the scene unfolded in the elementary school in Connecticut.  The amazing sacrifice the principal, psychologist and the teachers made was incredible, but not surprising.  I have no doubt that everyone in this building would have done the same thing.  That is what we do.  Beyond all the worries about TKES, meetings, testing, engagement, technology, etc., we first and foremost are here for the students.  Keep an eye and ear out this week for how they may be responding to the tragedy.  Read the letter I sent out and consult the counselors if needed.
Farewell – It is with mixed emotions that I let you know that Nathalie Bernstein is leaving us to go to North Springs High School.  This was a difficult decision for her but the opportunity to teach high school children is something she has wanted to try.  We wish her the very best.  Kerri McCoy will be taking her place and we will be hiring for the sixth grade position.
Cafeteria Amnesty! - Dec. 17 – 19 is Cafeteria Amnesty Week.  If you have glasses, trays, silverware, anything that you‘ve accumulated throughout the semester, drop it off BEFORE 2:15 any day. No questions asked. Please don’t wait until you are leaving for break to put dirty dishes in the dish room or (teacher break room). We have to have everything clean and signed off on before 3:30pm on 12-19.
Great use of technology – Mandi Mitchell shared this.  Last night, Kenny opened up a Today’s Meet online for his students to join at from 9-10 to answer questions for the kids!  He logged on at 8:45 and stayed until 10:20.  I joined in after a while when he told me about it and helped since there were so many kids on asking questions.  Great idea Kenny and way to meet the needs of your students in helping them study for the final exam!

Employee Excellence Coin – Diane Merdinger receives the coin this month for all the great work she does with her department, her students, and with the parents of our students.  She is an outstanding leader and educator.

Where is Livingston?

Lynn Shiver says, “My next door neighbor, Debra Clark, personifies the word “commitment.”  She is committed to her family, her work, and her values. She has worked very hard to ensure that her children have college degrees….and many of us know that that doesn’t “just happen.” She works many hours taking care of our data needs, and she is so committed to having Autrey Mill’s data records be perfect that she often takes work home and even completes things on a deadline when she is sick! Her work ethic is exemplary, and she even finds time to help me when I “punch the wrong buttons” on my computer and think I have lost everything!! Debra is also a fabulous cook, and she is generous about sharing her specialties at every celebration we have. I hope Debra enjoys having Livingston as much as I have enjoyed passing him along to her!
Happy Birthday
David Buice                December 18
Cristy Ray                   December 19
Deborah White          December 25
Kristen Barksdale     December 26
Elizabeth Ferree        December 26
Mandi Mitchell           December 26
Kathleen Outlaw        December 27
Stephanie Purcell      December 29
Sharon Grissom        January 4



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