Monday, February 27, 2012

Staff News 2/27

Autrey Mill Faculty News     
February 27, 2012

Perseverance is a great element of success.  If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody."

                                                                    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

News/Timelines/Due Dates

·      A Sam's Club representative will be in the teacher lunchroom from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. on Friday, March 2.  Sam’s Club is offering Autrey Mill MS employees a $10 to $25 gift card when you join new or renew your Sam’s Club membership!!

·      Be on the lookout for Roster Verification information from Debra on Wednesday March 7.  Please follow her directions that will be attached.  The 3rd Qtr. Grading Timeline will be forthcoming from Nan. Grade reporting week begins on March 12.  Please make sure you are not waiting until the last minute to enter grades, conduct, and comments.

·      TAG testing dates have been set as follows:

Ø  2/28 - NNAT – this is a small group of students who will test in Marissa Wesker’s room.  You will receive a testing pass.

Ø  3/2 – TTCT – many students taking this test.  Debra will be given a list to mark attendance.  You will receive a testing pass.  This test is given in small groups by 7th grade teachers.  The student needs to pay attention to their specific location.

Ø  3/6 – CogAT – split 6th and 7th students in the media center.  You will receive a testing pass. Debra will be given a list to mark attendance.

Ø  3/7 – CogAT - split 6th and 7th students in the media center.  You will receive a testing pass. Debra will be given a list to mark attendance.

Ø  3/12 – CogAT – 8th grade students in the media center. You will receive a testing pass. Debra will be given a list to mark attendance.

       Please make sure you distribute testing passes when you receive them.  Please check the spreadsheet you are sent as a reminder, so you can herd students in the correct direction on test days. If you are holding any test permission slips, please send them ASAP to Dana Griffin.  Test results take 4 or more week’s turnaround time.  If you are contacted by students or parents regarding their results, please tell them results will be mailed home ASAP.

·         PRIDE – Leadership members received a handout for Friday’s lesson.  You may also use the time to finish test talks.

A mighty roar!

·         Vicki Alvis was recognized at the board meeting for becoming re-certified as a National Board teacher.

·         Maria Purwin co-chaired the first annual(?) Linguapalooza this past Saturday at Haynes Bridge.  The event received rave reviews! All our teachers were there as well as some students and parents.

 Where is Livingston?  The Special Education Department would like to recognize Gemma DeVita with Livingston. Gemma is a great teacher, and coworker. We see her work hard to connect with her ELL students on a personal level. She works with students with various English ability as well as academic ability.  She works hard to help these students acclimate to life in a public school in the United States, and more importantly to life at AMMS. Her work with International Night requires much of her personal time, and all cultures feel welcomed and enjoy the event.” We agree!!

Happy Birthday

Lisi Furman                 March 1

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